As you would have learned during your scuba diving course, it is really important to keep yourself in good physical and mental condition before each dive. Scuba diving is usually an easy activity to participate in and is normally very safe and definitely enjoyable.
During a dive conditions can sometimes change which may lead to your dive becoming a little bit more strenuous, and the stress factors following such changes might impair your judgment and test you both physically and mentally.
Being properly prepared for your dive will make you a much safer diver whilst ensuring that you enjoy your dive even more!
• do regular physical exercise
• refresh you diving skills after a break in diving of more than 4 months by doing a refresher dive at the resort prior to your first open water dive
• have a medical check up (*) every 2 years if you are under 45, or yearly if you are over 45
(*) The medical should be done properly and should include the use of a stress Electro Cardiogram and a Lung function test, not just a certificate from your family doctor.
Please note that most dive schools will not allow you dive without this certificate.
Download the standard form (in E/G/F/I/S) that is used when enrolling in any diving activity, read it carefully and if you are not be able to answer all the questions with a definite NO, you will need to consult a specialist before scuba diving.